This is just kind of an unfinished prototype, but I figured I’d put it up and see if anyone had any suggestions. Right now it’s a “floor lamp”, but I’m thinking it might get bigger and evolve into a chandelier.
A long time ago a friend of mine made fun of me for having a skateboard, because I didn’t use it that much (not that coordinated). He’d come over and it’d just be sitting there. Eventually, it turned into a running gag. He’d ask how the skateboarding was coming…. and then he went all the way and said I should just make a lamp out of it. So, I’m stealing his idea.

(Brooklyn, that is.) Why? Because only here could this exist nowhere near a McDonald’s.

A ‘crisis case’ is an event in which a person has a quasi-perceptual experience of someone at a distance at the time of that person’s death or other crisis.
This is another in the series of prints I’ve been working on. It’s transparent base printed on 5 different layers.
Posted by eric in print
On January 23, 2008||

This is a phosphorescent ink silk-screen print of a small self portrait I did. It is printed on nitrocellulose or “Flash” paper. It is 4.25 inches by 4.25 inches. “Flash” paper is usually used as a stage trick. It burns extremely brightly and almost instantly, without smoke or ash.
These are three states of the same piece; in the light, in the dark and post-ignition view. Click the image to see a larger version.
The title comes from a theory by a “scientist” named Larry Arnold. He believes that Spontaneous Human Combustion occurs because of subatomic particles in the body called Pyrotons. This theory has never been proven though.

Thse are two states of the same image. It is made up of three layers of screen printing on recycled jewel cases. The first picture was taken in the dark with the phosphorescent layer showing through. The second in the light. I’m not sure why I decided to use the ugliest picture I could find of myself, but there you have it.
Posted by eric in music
On December 31, 2007||

If it weren’t for music I probably couldn’t make art. I know that it’s extremely important to a lot of us here at Invisibleman. So, in the spirit of sharing influences and inspirations, here are my top 19 (+1 EP) albums of 2007, in alphabetical order.
Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass
A Place To Bury Strangers – Self Titled
Deerhunter – Cryptograms / Fluorescent Grey EP
Dinosaur Jr. – Beyond
El-P – I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead
Feist – The Reminder
The Go! Team – Proof Of Youth
The Icarus Line – Black Lives At The Golden Coast
Jay-Z – American Gangster
Les Savy Fav – Let’s Stay Friends – Rock
Liars – Liars – Psych Rock
Ted Leo And The Pharmacists – Living With The Living
Menomena – Friend And Foe
MIA – Kala
The New Pornographers – Challengers
No Age – Weirdo Rippers
Pinback – Autumn Of The Seraphs
Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
St. Vincent – Marry Me
Check out my iMix from these albums.

This is another in the series I’ve been working on. It was transparent base, screenprinted on multiple layers of old jewel cases. It’s approximately 17 x 14 inches.
Ever since I was told that the first study was reminiscent of a daguerreotype, I’ve been trying to come as close to a combination of silver film negatives and holograms as I can.
Click here to see what it looks like just standing on my desk.

This is a portrait of my father, that I made with one of his old records and a drill. Yet another object that’s difficult to document. I’ll never learn.

This is the final piece created from my previous silk screen studies. It’s a grid of 12 wide by 21 high by 6 squares deep.
It still has a few rough edges that need to be worked out. But mainly it’s finished.

This is Kinkaku-ji, otherwise known as The Golden Pavilion, in Kyoto, Japan.