Another illo for the Publisher’s Weekly “Soapbox” column. This installment was a funny editorial was written by Mike Reiss, who has been a writer for The Simpsons for nineteen years. In an effort to reach kids with a different message than he does on TV, Mike has published eight children’s books, and enjoys the freedom of being the sole storyteller. But he doesn’t do it for the money:
“To earn what I make as a TV writer, I’d have to publish a children’s book every four hours.”
Money isn’t everything though…but Homer Simpson has weighed in on this:
“Bart, with $10,000, we’d be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like…love!”

There’s been a growing number of creepy incidents at Walt Disney World. People have been smuggling in their loved ones’ remains and sprinkling the ashes on their favorite rides. It’s actually become a big problem. I’ve been enjoying taking more pics with my cell phone. This one is from a television ad for the theme park.

Yesterday I started creating my own letter type…till now, I only created from “A” to “F” but I also intent to create the numbers and symbols like “! @ # $”, somethings like this…

More new framed work for sale at my online shop. This here print illustrates a slavic female weather demon “Ala”- bad tempered monsters whose main purpose is to destroy crops. They are rumoured to eat children which they would gobble up with huge wooden spoons! A given ala may look like a black wind, a gigantic creature of indistinct form, an old lady or a bird like a raven or a crow. Eagles, however, are regarded as defenders against Ale, chasing them away from fields and thus preventing them from bringing hail clouds overhead. A 9.25″x9.25″” high quality laser print on 200gsm card presented in a white wooden frame (11.5″x11.5″x0.5″), signed and numbered on back of print, a limited edition of Ten prints… only $15.00. C’mon over and see if there’s any other prints that tickle your fancy…

This is a photo of a Ndebele traditional healer from the National Archives of Zimbabwe. When I was visiting there back in 1998 we visited the archives and were able to order reprints of old photos from their amazing catalog of images. We paid a small fee, filled out some paperwork and several months later this and a few other pictures surprised me when they showed up in my mailbox.

(Brooklyn, that is.) Why? Because only here could this exist nowhere near a McDonald’s.

A recent illustration for WSJ.com regarding economists current view of our economic standing. I usually have around 24 hours to turn these illo’s around and in this case I wish I had a bit more time to work on the drawing.
Just found out that the great Arthur C. Clarke has passed away. This past fall I came across a dusty and yellowed pile of his books in The Stone Soup Bookstore of Camden Maine. I began to quickly digest his amazing stories and man were they in my wheelhouse. The Times has a great obit. I’d recommend Rendezvous with Rama, Childhood’s End or Against the Fall of Night if your interested in a bit of grand sci-fi.

This Celtic Cross was created some years back as a speculative Irish tourism poster. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!