yes. its been a REALLY long time since i posted. Last we “spoke” i was getting married… well, i did… and then 9 months later (plus a day) i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! needless to say, it’s been a very exciting year.
i have just begun to emerge from the baby bubble… and will slowly begin to create again (time permitting, of course) but here’s something recent that i designed & really like. i created the artwork & designed the poster for the riverfolk music + art festival in Manchester, MI. i hope for more fun projects such as this in the coming year.

Album cover for the crustiest dub punk band based in Manchester, Autonomads.

T-shirt graphic for “The Fray” on their latest North American tour.

The Festina Lente is a band about 5 brazilian kids that starving for different things playing together since 2004.
We just recorded a debut-ep called “tropical predial” in 2006. By now we are giving a break and hopefully coming back soon. You can listen our stuff on myspace =)

This is not a top ten. Nope. It’s not even a top 15. This is a list of the albums that for numerous and varied reasons got the most “spins” from me this past year. By no means should it be considered a comprehensive comparison or judgment on any other albums that were released in 2007. I find it impossible to keep up with all the music that is available nowadays. In fact I barely try. These albums came my way by various means and through various venues. I played them often. And I played them happily. Rogue Wave in particular. Enjoy.
In no particular order:
New Buffalo, “Somewhere, Anywhere”
The Shins, “Wincing the Night Away”
Rilo Kiley, “Under The Black Light”
Wilco, “Sky Blue Sky”
Miracle Fortress, “Five Roses”
Interpol, “Our Love To Admire”
Arcade Fire, “Neon Bible”
Radiohead, “In Rainbows”
Destroyer, “Destroyer’s Rubies”
Jans Lekman, “Night Falls Over Kortedala”
Stars, “In Our Bedroom, After the War”
Fujiya & Miyagi, “Transparent Things”
Rogue Wave, “Asleep At Heavens Gate”
Lily Allen, “Alright Still”
Palomar, “All Things Forest”

If it weren’t for music I probably couldn’t make art. I know that it’s extremely important to a lot of us here at Invisibleman. So, in the spirit of sharing influences and inspirations, here are my top 19 (+1 EP) albums of 2007, in alphabetical order.
Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass
A Place To Bury Strangers – Self Titled
Deerhunter – Cryptograms / Fluorescent Grey EP
Dinosaur Jr. – Beyond
El-P – I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead
Feist – The Reminder
The Go! Team – Proof Of Youth
The Icarus Line – Black Lives At The Golden Coast
Jay-Z – American Gangster
Les Savy Fav – Let’s Stay Friends – Rock
Liars – Liars – Psych Rock
Ted Leo And The Pharmacists – Living With The Living
Menomena – Friend And Foe
MIA – Kala
The New Pornographers – Challengers
No Age – Weirdo Rippers
Pinback – Autumn Of The Seraphs
Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
St. Vincent – Marry Me
Check out my iMix from these albums.

New artwork for a cd +booklet I am working on designing for the band “Smile Pretty Mysery”. Check em out. They are really good.
(To get the textures, I gouached some pieces of trace paper, cut them out into fun ‘lil shapes, scanned them in and placed them in my friend, illustrator CS3.)

Whoa. This was the first year I had the pleasure of attending the Village Voice Siren Music Festival. Yeah, that was my big bald held up there hob-nobbing with the rest of the VIP’s…Invisibleman Paul Antonson of course was responsible for getting us on the guest list as he has created the amazing poster art for the show for the past seven years, though I’d say this year’s was a standout.
This shot above is The Noisettes‘ amazing Shingai Shoniwa who electrified the crowd early on with a fun and rockin’ set. MIA who I have been waiting a long time to check out in person was also a treat, and The Black Lips put on a cool performance, though they shoudn’t have blown up Popcorn the chicken. I didn’t get over to the other stage, and I missed the New York Dolls, but still a pretty incredible fun day. Thanks for the access PA!
My Siren pictures on flickr
Paul’s Siren pictures on flickr

A few nights before Christmas in 2002 I had the great fortune to see Arthur Lee and his band Love perform at Brookyn’s Warsaw. They tore headlong through 21 songs, including the entirety of Love’s brilliant album Forever Changes. Arthur had recently been freed from a 6 year prison sentence due to an erroneous gun charge and the lost time seemed to have instilled a burning intensity within him. It seemed like he wanted to keep playing untill dawn. A couple years after that show he was diagnosed with leukaemia and it ended his life yesterday in Memphis. It was very sad hearing the news and I remembered seeing that battered legend blowing the place out on a cold Brooklyn night. Here’s an ancient clip of Love performing on Dick Clarke’s show.

RIP Arthur. Recent sketches above.

Above are a couple pages from the sketchbook… some scenes drawn from Wash sq. park and my brother playing guitar. Below are some pics from saturday’s Siren Music Festival which was great fun on a beautiful summer day. Dirty on Purpose were the musical highlight of the day for me however I caught great sets by Serena Maneesh, Art Brut, the Cribs and Tapes and Tapes. It was also pretty cool to see an illustration I made printed 25ft tall (upper left photo).