Posted by bz in design
On January 15, 2010||
hi! it’s me again! Having a 9.5 month old certainly keeps me busy (in a great way!!) But i have begun to emerge from my shell and create some artwork again. (And… I am soon am taking an illustration class, taught by tim gough at uarts, and hopefully i will be making some great new work in the not-to-distant future!)
In the meantime, i have begun to design baby shower and wedding invitations for the two very popular websites tiny prints and wedding paper divas. The baby shower invitations are selling very well, and some wedding invitations just went up this week. (You can see the wedding designs on my website blog, here.)

yes. its been a REALLY long time since i posted. Last we “spoke” i was getting married… well, i did… and then 9 months later (plus a day) i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! needless to say, it’s been a very exciting year.
i have just begun to emerge from the baby bubble… and will slowly begin to create again (time permitting, of course) but here’s something recent that i designed & really like. i created the artwork & designed the poster for the riverfolk music + art festival in Manchester, MI. i hope for more fun projects such as this in the coming year.

so… i’ve been busy planning a wedding… which will be here in 4 days! we are honeymooning in tahiti and the french polynesian islands so i hope to bring lots of art and inspiration back to this side of the world… and to invisibleman which i have shamefully neglected over the past few months. our cruise ship is even called the paul gauguin. 🙂
also, when i return i’ll post some of the custom wedding goodies i have been crazy making over the past 2 weeks. i think i may have found a future calling.
au revoir et salut
Posted by bz in random
On April 15, 2008||

here is an (inverted) image of my computer last night. it’s seriously sick. it was in the hospital for two weeks, had 2 internal organs replaced (logic board and display) and it still appears to be not doing so well… and, it’s not even 4 months old!
i love apple but i am not in love with apple today…
Posted by bz in photos
On March 6, 2008||

so, i was leaving studio the other night, and while walking to my car, i noticed something strange hanging in the air…
(the photo somehow reminds me of ed ruscha… one of my favorite artists.) i’ve never lived in any place quite like philly!
ps: i got a lovely letter (email) from a gal in hong kong who was visiting the iman site and had such nice things to say. it’s feels good to receive mail like that. thanks hilda! 🙂
Posted by bz in photos
On February 21, 2008||

welcome home space shuttle atlantis! this was my pei wei fortune cookie word of the day. (yummy + how fitting!)
thanks to mr. biggs (my studio mate) for taking this fabulous photo!
for more space shuttle fun, click here if you’d like to learn to draw the space shuttle!
Posted by bz in design
On February 14, 2008||

i hope i’m not cheating by posting this… but i figured since it IS valentines day, it is à propos. there are what my save the dates look like. im getting great feedback on them. now it’s on to the invitiations… have a lovely day everyone! 🙂

i scanned some sketches of shirts…
Posted by bz in random
On December 20, 2007||

I am long overdue for a post. This image was inspired by two things which I saw this week.
First, a CRAZY ice storm which occurred last weekend. We were in Harrisburg and everything was covered in ice. Each blade of grass was encapsulated. I took over 200 photos… I think my fiances parents must think I am crazy. I was standing under the berry trees, getting dripped on, but it was so beautiful to see.
Second, my friend Gab just bought a fabulously interesting historic house in PA. The house belonged to Horace Furness, brother of the architect Frank Furness. The house has the original library dated from 1890. I was hanging out on those stairs yesterday!
One of the rooms in the house also had this great patterned (and flocked) wallpaper which I of course had to photograph. And then play with in illustrator.
In an alternate world, I’d play guitar for the band “wallpaper ice storm.” I would rock.

New artwork for a cd +booklet I am working on designing for the band “Smile Pretty Mysery”. Check em out. They are really good.
(To get the textures, I gouached some pieces of trace paper, cut them out into fun ‘lil shapes, scanned them in and placed them in my friend, illustrator CS3.)