Invisibleman was a collaborative group blog which ran from 2004-2014, featuring original illustration, drawing, photography and design. This site is now archived.
A few pages from the sketchbook – drawn while my wife Kristina and I honeymooned in amazing Costa Rica. If you ever find yourself there, I highly recommend a visit to the MonteVerde Cloud Forest Preserve:
This crab was drawn on the beach in Mal Pais. If you ever find yourself there I’d recommend a stay at the very tranquil Beija Flor.
Some primary forest:
yes. its been a REALLY long time since i posted. Last we “spoke” i was getting married… well, i did… and then 9 months later (plus a day) i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! needless to say, it’s been a very exciting year.
i have just begun to emerge from the baby bubble… and will slowly begin to create again (time permitting, of course) but here’s something recent that i designed & really like. i created the artwork & designed the poster for the riverfolk music + art festival in Manchester, MI. i hope for more fun projects such as this in the coming year.
I often find myself out and about without any of my promo postcards in my man-purse, so I decided to finally get some business cards made. I have been really fond of all that U.K. & Rhode Island based printing company Moo is doing in the print on-demand area, so I tried them out. For $22 (before shipping) I got 50 of these slick cards packed up tight in a downright Jobsian carrying case. The best part of their service is the image upload process. For your 50 cards, you can pick 50 images, so each card will be unique. You can also just pick a few images, and have them repeat. Their cropping interface is great (as some of you may know, I happen to know a thing or two about cropping), and you can rotate the images as well. Assembling the back is just as easy, with a very tasteful set of type and layouts to choose from, and the ability to add an image as well. Moo also has really cool sticker books, mini-cards, postcards and greeting cards you can make as well. Click for a larger view
Link: Moo business cards
My beautiful wife Kristina and I recently returned from Costa Rica where we were honeymooning after a great wedding in the Hudson Valley. We spent amazing time down there surfing, sloth watching and fish-taco eating, all the while befriending local gatos.
I sketched the paintings below in my moleskine watercolor sketchbook:
Tools of the trade:
And let it be known that when I see a strange sea-monster shuffling it’s way back to sea,
I do what has to be done:
In honor of the mindblowingly cool move The New Yorker made this week by running one of Jorge Colombo’s awesome iPhone paintings on this week’s cover, I decided to delve back into the Brushes app, which Jorge used to paint his cover illustration.
One of the coolest features of Brushes is the ability to download “.brushes” files from your iPhone via wifi and load them into the companion Brushes viewer program on the Mac. The .brushes file isn’t just a flat image, it’s a data ‘recording’ of all the strokes you made AND it’s resolution independent, so you can render the image out at up to 6x the iphone’s 480×320 resolution. And you can render out movies of your painting coming to life.
Jorge now has a regular weekly spot on The New Yorker’s website to post his Brushes movies. Pretty damn cool…
So here’s a movie of a painting I did of some bearded dude (sorta 300 Leonidas I suppose)..Enjoy!
I have decided to completely revive the American economy with my ART STIMULUS PLAN. My $1 dollar off art coupon will help sales and not cost the taxpayer a single dime.
You may use this coupon online at or at the Chameleon Gallery, Cazenovia, NY. One coupon per customer please.
You may also use the Dollar Off Art coupon in ALL STORES IN MANHATTAN! Bring in your dollar off coupon and tell them you want a DOLLAR OFF ART! It works… try it! Tell them “Roger sent me.”
I am taking a ceramics class this summer for six weeks. When this happens, I totally get involved in my class and nothing else matters. It’s great. Anyway, I am devoted to depicting evil squirrels and making lots of squirrel things. stay tuned. you’ll see what I’m taking about shortly.
I try to make everything as complicated as possible. Here’s an example of my method. This is an 11×17 inch printed sheet. The red line denotes the marks where a die is to be made. Once the die is made, I take the printed sheets, die, to a die stamper and he punches them out of the paper, one by one. I use Die Max in Rochester, NY for the die, for the printing (16pt stock) and precision Die Stamping in Port Byron, NY for the stamping. All good people, & I recommend.