This is not a top ten. Nope. It’s not even a top 15. This is a list of the albums that for numerous and varied reasons got the most “spins” from me this past year. By no means should it be considered a comprehensive comparison or judgment on any other albums that were released in 2007. I find it impossible to keep up with all the music that is available nowadays. In fact I barely try. These albums came my way by various means and through various venues. I played them often. And I played them happily. Rogue Wave in particular. Enjoy.
In no particular order:
New Buffalo, “Somewhere, Anywhere”
The Shins, “Wincing the Night Away”
Rilo Kiley, “Under The Black Light”
Wilco, “Sky Blue Sky”
Miracle Fortress, “Five Roses”
Interpol, “Our Love To Admire”
Arcade Fire, “Neon Bible”
Radiohead, “In Rainbows”
Destroyer, “Destroyer’s Rubies”
Jans Lekman, “Night Falls Over Kortedala”
Stars, “In Our Bedroom, After the War”
Fujiya & Miyagi, “Transparent Things”
Rogue Wave, “Asleep At Heavens Gate”
Lily Allen, “Alright Still”
Palomar, “All Things Forest”

This is a poster I did just last week for the band Your Vegas. They originally hail from Leeds, UK and recently settled in NYC. Universal Records (their label) sent them out for their first gig in L.A. this week. To commemorate the show, the sharp marketing folks at Uni (thanks Frank!) decided to commission a limited edition poster. I had a crazy busy schedule last week while working on this, as I had the only other music project that I have ever worked on underway (more on that soon!). All in all it was a fun frenzied project, and I had a blast with the silhouettes, using only the mighty lasso tool to draw the loose shapes. Anytime I get to go nuts with glowing lights and a dusky sky, counts as a fun project.
Some detail shots after the jump…
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Posted by eric in print
On January 23, 2008||

This is a phosphorescent ink silk-screen print of a small self portrait I did. It is printed on nitrocellulose or “Flash” paper. It is 4.25 inches by 4.25 inches. “Flash” paper is usually used as a stage trick. It burns extremely brightly and almost instantly, without smoke or ash.
These are three states of the same piece; in the light, in the dark and post-ignition view. Click the image to see a larger version.
The title comes from a theory by a “scientist” named Larry Arnold. He believes that Spontaneous Human Combustion occurs because of subatomic particles in the body called Pyrotons. This theory has never been proven though.

This is an image for Hong Kong’s “The 1&Only Magazine”- the Love Addicts Issue.
The image is available as a handsome wee baby framed 4″x7″ print, a limited edition of ten, from my online shop for only $9. The mini comics I have featured on Invisibleman are also available-
“A Gosling” -16 page A6 size full colour comic,laser printed onto Heritage White 200 gsm paper, machine stitched with a 260 gsm dust jacket. $4
“Ja Ljubav Te”- 42 page full colour wee tiny mini micro comic, machine stitched and laser printed onto Five Seasons (100% recycled) paper. $2
Cheap as chips.

He received the glory. Now his soul is purified and flowers are borning of your body.

It had been a while since my last figure drawing session and thus it was invigorating to draw and paint these images at the Society of Illustrator’s Jazz & Sketch this past tuesday. One fellow in front of me was drawing on butcher paper with charcoal and white pencil and I couldn’t believe how good he was… humbling.

The fellow on the right is an 89 year old illustrator who was also making some great sketches. I chatted with him briefly as we walked out and he told me how last winter he got a pair of the new fat ski’s and how they were really fast. He also lamented that he was just a bit too old to start snowboarding.

Last in my series of collages inspired by poetry. This one had something to do with jazz.
The other two can be seen here and here.

i scanned some sketches of shirts…

Hello,my name is Paulo Quirino, I’m from Brazil, and I’m the invisibleman guest this month.
This is the last illustration in a series of tree that I started a time ago (the other two illustrations are on my flickr).
Not only on this illustration but in all my works I always start without knowing what the drawing will be. I make some forms, put some colors; I make something completely abstract….After that I try to make something “real”.
In this drawing I did the eyes, a lot of strips, background, everything…After that I just choose the animal that could turn =)