…and so here it finally is! The whole of Never Been, all nine and a bit meters worth, online, for the whole world to see! So if you couldn’t make it to my solo show at Projekts MCR earlier this year, GO HERE NOW!!! I want to say a massive huge thank you to my genius graphic designer brother, Adam Kolakovic, for figuring out a way to get this all online for me! He’s the most rippingest designer in town!


Folky folky

This is an image I made for a small edition art book that collects together a bunch of cool artists from all over the world that are influenced by eastern european aesthetics/folk lore. The image itself is based on an idea I’ve got floating around my head about a florist and his wife. More soon when the book is available…


Skateboard Lamp

This is just kind of an unfinished prototype, but I figured I’d put it up and see if anyone had any suggestions. Right now it’s a “floor lamp”, but I’m thinking it might get bigger and evolve into a chandelier.

A long time ago a friend of mine made fun of me for having a skateboard, because I didn’t use it that much (not that coordinated). He’d come over and it’d just be sitting there. Eventually, it turned into a running gag. He’d ask how the skateboarding was coming…. and then he went all the way and said I should just make a lamp out of it. So, I’m stealing his idea.


Know this feeling?

This is one from the dusty depths of the archives…The blur on the boot is a bit too much, but I had just discovered Photoshop (version 2.5 if I am not mistaken), and it looked good enough to me on my grayscale PowerBook 165 at the time.

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Zany Lawn



Revenge of the Decrepit Shark

I made this pattern to use as texture and background for this year’s siren illustration which I just completed. The sea hag of my dreams makes an appearance in up there. Congrats also to my fellow invisibleman and invisiblewomen as this marks our 600th post.







I’ve been working on this comic for an anthology—hopefully I’ll be done soon!


Worst Case Scenarios for Time Out

I was psyched to get this super-fun job from Time Out Chicago to do a series of illos for their “Worst Case Scenarios” story in this week’s issue (Thanks Mike!). The editors came up with a list of harrowing situations, and asked various Chicago-based experts their advice on how to keep your cool and survive these stressful calamities. The scenarios I illustrated are: “ATM eats your card”, “Your car brakes fail”, “Your boss asks you to take a drug test”, “You lose your job”, “The condom broke”, “I got doored on my bike”, “My apartment was burgled” and “A bat was trapped in my house”. This is my first job for Time Out Chicago. Read on to see the full illos…

Click here to read more »

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Farewell to Snow

In past years I would get a bit morose come springtime if I hadn’t gotten enough snowboarding under the belt. This is not one of those years. From the deep drifts of Utah to the hidden stashes of Vermont’s woods it’s been a splendid year of riding either solo or with Kristina and Keith. The pattern image at the bottom was part of my entry to this years Salomon board art contest. I didn’t have much time to put anything together so I quickly plundered some of the patterns I’ve been recently working on