Four Horses of the Apocalypse pt. 2
This is the kind of drawing/painting one does after looking at Pieter Bruegel the Elder
drawings for a few days. I’m really hoping this is the week Rove gets frog-marched out of the White House… maybe he’ll be forced to hop if the authorities supplement his departure with ankle-cuffs.
This image isn’t as dynamic as the sketch in which the horses were galloping. Here they’re doing more of a mosey. After seeing it scanned in I realize I still need to improve some of the line work and shadows.
Four Horses of the Apocalypse
Here’s a quick color study of a drawing I may work up of Bush and his cronies riding the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. There would be Rove in prison stipes, skeletor-Rumsfeld, a cardiac-arresting Cheney and the naked idiot-emperor.
moleskin page
I’m nearing the end of my current moleskin sketchbook. I’m hoping my next sketchbook will be of finer paper quality and larger – but the moleskin’s not a bad way to go if I can’t find something better.
a drawing of my brother Jamie from the sketchbook… I need to log more time in the laboratory, more varied use of media and its application. The lab is covered in dust right now.
Sketchbook & Website Update
I was trolling around the web and stumbled upon Nate Williams‘ fabulous IllustrationMundo (Where illustration gets all the love!). Great site, and it got me inspired to freshed up my own site. I’ve been spending a lot of time at invisibleman, and I’ve been neglecting my poor old
So I have posted a new spread of pages from my latest mini-moleskine sketchbook, added some new work onto the site and placed my most recent work in my featured illo section.
The days are numbered for my stogy old site, and I’m looking forward to ripping it’s guts out and blogifying it’s innards. Big fall project, ready to be tackled upon my return from our imminent vacation in Old Europe.
Step by Step
I’ll keep the step-by-step ball rolling with a few frames of an illo that I just finished. This is part of a series I’m doing for a magazine. I will post the finals and the details shortly.
I have been trying to keep my process as much like traditional paint-on-paper as possible. Keeping the “underpainting” is an important step I did not want to abandon. I’m still tweaking the formula a bit, as I do more of these with the pencil drawing on top of color in photoshop. The thing I’m happiest about, is that my drawing gets preserved, and doesn’t get buried under a layer of opaque gouache.