
When Boris was a businessman


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Jaws Illo for the Village Voice

The above rendering is for this week’s Village Voice illustrating an upcoming screening of Jaws at Pier 54 on Manhattan’s west side. For a shark enthusiast like myself, this sort of illo job is akin to your Alma Mater winning the NCAA basketball championship or perhaps bearing witness to a the elusive Yeti; something you hope for but don’t necessarily expect.

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Electric Cowboy

I just completed two illustrations for The American Society for Engineering Education which will be running in their flagship magazine PRISM. Above are details of the cover image (left) and the accompanying interior full-page illo. The story is about how Texas is using an innovative partnership between the state and the high tech industry to lure (and better retain) college students into engineering studies. Continue reading to see the full drawings….

Click here to read more »

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Caught in the Scribble Swarm


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Shark Dream

In a previous post I’d mentioned how I had a dream about a decrepit old shark, covered in plants and moss. I thought I’d turn that into an illustration while also applying more watercolor to the drawing before doing the photoshop compilation.

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#2 for The Art Bureau

The folks at The Art Bureau have been kind enough to show some of my work in their online gallery:
www.theartbureau.org. I created the piece above for a black and white numeric calendar they’re putting together, which by the way has a few available spots if any illustrators or designers out there are interested.

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[…we put the “.as” in] Aspen Poster

(crops from the poster – click above to see full image)
i’m back. here’s a poster i created at anderson workshop. various (dynamic) flash components were used to create and distribute the top background patterns. i created a ton during this fun/intense week long workshop at anderson ranch.
(the type is backwards as when youre inside the ranch the type is cut out from the entrance sign and you can see the mountains through it. also, those birds are magpies. they’re fun looking. kind of like flying penguins.)

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as art

day 1. here i am in lovely aspen. here’s an image (still) from some randomly generated art (dynamically via action script) which i did today. the color palette resulted from this ink drawing/image (previously shown on invisibleman a few months ago) and then refined in photoshop.
PS i saw the milky way tonight. awesome. highly recommend it.

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Pine Creek

After a great, steep hike down into the aforementioned Grand Canyon of PA I sketched these mossy banks of the Pine Creek.

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sketching people

it’s been too long since i’ve drawn. “the real world” has taken over. here are some peeps i drew last week. (click the image to enlarge.) since getting my mfa (yay!) a a few weeks ago, i am quickly learning action script as i am going to anderson ranch in colorado (near aspen) in less than 2 weeks for a joshua davis flash 8 workshop. hopefully i will make some kickin’ good art work to post upon my return from aspen (and san diego).
when i return i am planning to continue making books, work on my illustration portfolio (and make a regular habit of doing illustration friday each week), and begin to pay off grad school by freelance designing here in philadelphia… oh – hold on… i have a funny photo to post too…

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