yes. i’m still here… i’ve been busy freelancing, teaching and looking for studio space in philly. all quite time consuming. here’s an illo i just did for my own homework assignment (from the illustrator class i am teaching). each student got a month to design… and was to be inspired by its birthstone. november is kind of interesting, as it has two. citrine and topaz – depending on if you are modern or traditional… after much internal debate, i decided to go mod. and cute. (see the whole thing here)

so, in prep for a class i am teaching in the fall, i was playing around with the gradient mesh tool today in illustrator… and as i promised, i was… i mean am… going to try and do illustration friday every week from now on. so here is my “killing 2 birds with one stone.” (which upon reflection really is a terrible expression!) this weeks topic was “Match.”

(crops from the poster – click above to see full image)
i’m back. here’s a poster i created at anderson workshop. various (dynamic) flash components were used to create and distribute the top background patterns. i created a ton during this fun/intense week long workshop at anderson ranch.
(the type is backwards as when youre inside the ranch the type is cut out from the entrance sign and you can see the mountains through it. also, those birds are magpies. they’re fun looking. kind of like flying penguins.)

I submitted a tee shirt design called Mountain to Threadless.com to be voted on and hopefully printed. If I get enough high scores the shirt will be printed and sold from the site and I will win some stuff. Take a look at it and if you like it, sign up and give it a score: Mountain Shirt Design — Thanks!

so i silkscreened some spirographs…

omg… what happened to barb? oh, she’s working on her thesis… which is less than 30 days away. YiKes! anyway, i made this little diagram of my space which i thought was kind of funny. we’ll see how it looks in “reality” on april (- gulp- ) 21st… i’ll post an invite soon.

* it is so hard to photograph books… but here’s my somewhat distorted solution 🙂
* this is my 30th “official” sketchbook since starting count in 1995. the cover uses imagery inspired by my “5 senses” prints. for this image i just played around with the images on silkscreens and i only “registered” where i wanted to.
* the binding is a coptic binding / single needle link stitch.
* for the inside pages, i used a variety of graph papers as well as some english and japanese alphabet practice paper.

here are some pictures from “excerpt”.
i am waiting to get some better pictures which were taken by my friend olivia, but in the meantime here is a little preview of what was installed. i hope posting them here will inspire me to continue working with the apartment and their contents…
see the images here

did i mention i’m in grad school for book arts and printmaking yet i am loving the illustration…
brian biggs is my teacher. check out his site.
this illustration is for a mural in a bookstore…