Here’s a page from a comic I’m working on at the moment about two brothers growing up in Serbia during WWII. Don’t hold your breath though- it might be a wee while before it finds way out into the paper world. A serbian newspaper called “Vesti” found out about the way my Serbian heritage has shaped my work and featured an article about me last week. The only problem is, I cant read it because I can’t read or write Serbian- doh.

recently, i finished making 120 (phew!) custom mini-calendars for a california wedding. thanks invisibleman! (as i was found through here to get this fun project) and contratulations to the bride and groom. : )

i was long overdue for a new sketchbook, so last night i made this. ive been noticing and obsessing over clouds lately… my dad was a huge fan of them. he used to take rolls of film of them… so i guess this is a recent self-portrait in a way…
the bookcloth is from papersource. i really wish there were one of these in philly. the binding is a “4 needle coptic”. I’ve only done that once before, but i think the result is pretty nice and simple. the inside paper juts out from underneath the covers. i’m not sure if i like it, but i wanted to try it. (i usually like it on other books.)
the other bottom 2 photos show the rest of my sketchbook making “ritual.” i always create a notes/calendar section in the back and i always write the “d.o.b.” in the front. bookmaking is so rewarding.
ps stay tuned for > new studio < information. here's a peak at the new space that my friend brian and i will be sharing. it’s in this philadelphia landmark building. fun fun!!!

“While waiting on the platform for your subway train, quietly stand right behind an unsuspecting pigeon. As the train pulls into the station, give the bird a good heave-ho onto the tracks.”
This is a collage/drawing I did for the book, Canceled Flight: 101 Tried and True Pigeon Killin’ Methods. Don’t worry, it was a vehicle for artists, not really a manual for the destruction of flying rats.
Although, people didn’t always get the joke. The author received hate mail from protestors who hadn’t even seen the book. And, one Barnes and Noble fanned the flames by accidently putting it in the kids’ section. Oops.
I felt honored just to be published in the company of some of my favorite artists, including kozyndan and Ryan McGinness. But then, the original artwork from the book was exhibited in a travelling gallery show.

they’re back again. the 2007 bzdesignstuff handmade mini pocket calendars. you can order via paypal or email me to order. colors are subject to availability… so please specify a first and second color choice. colors avaiable are: lt pink, dk pink, pale blue, cyan blue, purple, kraft brown and charcoal. happy holidays everybody! 🙂

the 2 inch show is finally up and online. i hope these books will inspire you as they have me. i have been given many compliments on the show. thanks to everyone (over 50 people!) who participated.
see all the books/prints here and here are a few pictures of the books on display at the university of the arts

it’s been too long since i have posted. here is my latest sketchbook and a detail of the cover art. it is so satisfying making a case bound book. hopefully i’ll have some of what’s inside it to share next.
ps i agree w keegan on the moma/pixar show. it’s amazing to see such fun, innovative works created with gouache and colored pastel!
also – please consider submitting a book or print to my 2″ show…

call for art and aritists!
with my love for all things small – i am curating a 2 inch (or smaller) book + printmaking exhibition.
please please submit some mini books or prints! i am looking for a range of work and am excited to see what posting this here will bring. i know the time frame is short, but after all, 2 inches is quite small…
here are a few sites for inspiration:
the miniature book society
art on paper – a great magazine
fun comix ‘n books
here’s how to make a really simple book. it’s one of my favorite ways!
small books exchange
philobiblon – the book arts web
happy new year and happy book and printmaking! 🙂
email zuckee@mac.com for more information or with any questions.

here is my fun little 2006 pocket calendar.
i sold 20 of them at the center for book arts holiday fair yesterday. now i need to make another batch for the uarts “book party” which is thursday.
they are $5 (+ $1 s/h) if anyone wants one, send me an email. (theres a chance i may not be able to ship it till after the 25th…but it’ll still be good for all next year!) 🙂

Many of you may already be aware of Steve Mumford. Lately he has been getting a TON of press, both on TV and in print. Until this week I’d never heard of him.
As the Boston Globe reported:
“During 2003 and 2004, Mumford traveled on his own to occupied Iraq four times to chronicle military and civilian life. He made hundreds of sketches and kept a journal; entries were posted at Artnet.com, an online magazine. Now his writings and paintings have been collected in a book, Baghdad Journal, from Drawn and Quarterly publishers.”
I am VERY impressed. The skill Mr. Mumford displays across a diversity of mediums and scale of imagery is staggering. I long to see his work in person. Until then I’d happily settle for getting the “Baghdad Journal : An Artist in Occupied Iraq” for Christmas. Anyone feeling generous?