Posted by bz in random
On June 6, 2007||

i have been gone from invisibleman for a few months and the reason is this…
in january, my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. he bravely tried to fight this terrible disease, but unfortunately was only able to make it a few months… He passed away one month ago today, on May 6, 2007. He was only 74. I miss him so much, every moment… every day. He was, and still is, such a hero to me and to all who knew him.
This photo is from my 5th birthday, when we were still living in Brooklyn. I made the popsicle stick frame. Weren’t the 70’s fantastic? I hang this photo, among others, above my desk. I know my dad is looking down and feeling proud. (And I know he is no longer in pain.)
Here is a website to learn more about pancreatic cancer. It is such a fast moving and under researched form of cancer. One last thing… this is “the place” where my dad spent his last 5 weeks. The place was absolutely wonderful so if any one has parents or grandparent on long island, they were great and made my dads last days memorable.
As my mom said in the nursing home, “No one knows whose tomorrow it is.” So, we have to live for today.

they’re back again. the 2007 bzdesignstuff handmade mini pocket calendars. you can order via paypal or email me to order. colors are subject to availability… so please specify a first and second color choice. colors avaiable are: lt pink, dk pink, pale blue, cyan blue, purple, kraft brown and charcoal. happy holidays everybody! 🙂
Posted by bz in random
On November 28, 2006||

so… i started to take a knitting class here at the (local) fairmount art center… which is actually through this neat store (rosies yarn cellar) and i am finding it hard to do anything else but knit…SO, tonight i took the night off from knitting to do work, and somehow ended up scanning in my first (ever) knitted project… and do something with it. (i am now on my second… which is a hat. stay tuned…) fast forward 2 hours. has anyone else out there “live traced” their knitting??? also, i highly recommend making your own custom brushes in illustrator. its fun. i made some calligraphic ones for this drawing…
PS i have to link to this. its too fun not too. oh the joy of bookbinding! 🙂

yes. i’m still here… i’ve been busy freelancing, teaching and looking for studio space in philly. all quite time consuming. here’s an illo i just did for my own homework assignment (from the illustrator class i am teaching). each student got a month to design… and was to be inspired by its birthstone. november is kind of interesting, as it has two. citrine and topaz – depending on if you are modern or traditional… after much internal debate, i decided to go mod. and cute. (see the whole thing here)

while procrastinating, i did some illustration friday sketches. this weeks topic is QUIET. i used watercolor to create the original drawings and then scanned, reordered and soup’d them up in pshop. i’m not sure how i feel about these… but i am posting as to relieve some “not posting in a while” guilt. it was fun to break out the winsor & newtons and my japanese waterbrush.
Posted by bz in photos
On September 11, 2006||

yesterday was fun. it was nice to finally meet everyone. maybe next time maybe more creation/less production… but all in all a fun and productive day! we must plan another one. 🙂

wow – 5 minutes past midnight… that’s cutting it close! here is my illustration for “SAFE” – this (past) weeks illustration friday. i wanted to work in b/w, and for obvious reasons, i have new york on my mind this week. five years went by so quickly… i miss you nyc.

so, in prep for a class i am teaching in the fall, i was playing around with the gradient mesh tool today in illustrator… and as i promised, i was… i mean am… going to try and do illustration friday every week from now on. so here is my “killing 2 birds with one stone.” (which upon reflection really is a terrible expression!) this weeks topic was “Match.”

that’s alot of barb! i’m in the process of moving (my apartment and my studio)… so i havent been able to do much recently, but i was just perusing my files from the workshop i took in june and i definitely want to start using the techniques i learned. oy – where did the summer go???

(crops from the poster – click above to see full image)
i’m back. here’s a poster i created at anderson workshop. various (dynamic) flash components were used to create and distribute the top background patterns. i created a ton during this fun/intense week long workshop at anderson ranch.
(the type is backwards as when youre inside the ranch the type is cut out from the entrance sign and you can see the mountains through it. also, those birds are magpies. they’re fun looking. kind of like flying penguins.)