Every now and then you get a good drawing. I like this one. Keep drawing, everyday. It makes your brain work better. Smear your drawings with coffee, orange juice, sparkling water, or soda. You’ll like them better.
If you’re hungry in the desert someday, you can eat them too. They’ll taste good. Who says art isn’t functional?

The lower part of this fella’s beard is inspired by Eric’s bushy mane.

I created this illustration for this past week’s Wall Street Journal Economic Forecast Report. It’s been a long bout but according to a bunch of economists, Bernanke has the bear on the ropes. If I were that bear I’d lose the gloves and start utilizing a strategy of claws, paws and fangs.

I take my moleskin with me everywhere. Here’s a page with drawings from a lecture by Tracy Kidder. A few members of the audience are in the circles around the page.

In an ongoing search for recycled materials, I “ran” across some red carpet. In a Mark Rothkoesque fashion, my intention was simply to create a landscape feel with one horizon line. It’s glued on painted board, 17″x22″.

During our trip to North South Lake I seized an hour or so create this oil sketch at the site of the former Catskill Mountain House. The site overlooks the entire Hudson River Valley. Although the day was hot and hazy, the view remained magnificent.

I did this drawing of Kanzi the Bonobo Ape who was part of an article on intelligence in National Geographic. Kanzi can speak several languages, type 60 words a minute, uses Photoshop CS3, and works on a Mac. Hey………………… just kidding and wanted to see if you are paying attention. He really writes code on a PC………. now STOP it, Roger.
I devised a clever method of doing drawings to illustrate what I was talking about while in Portugal at the top of this sketchbook page. Pictionary was my way of talking in Pictures. Unfortunately, the only person I met that spoke English, was a Chinese Man working in a Chinese restaurant in Evora. I’m not sure whether the words he told me were in Chinese, or Portuguese.
Kanzi wherefore art thou?

I like Moleskin Sketchbooks because they have a small pocket in the back, where you can put your train tickets. I put all of my notes on the last two pages of my moleskin books because I can find things instantly. Not that I can read the small type though.
On the right page is a great quote from Matt Caserta, a former student- ” How come you attract all the crazy ones?” Oh, animal magnetism Matt.
There’s a drawing of Ray Beale on the right page at the Chocolate Shop in Cazenovia.