I was psyched to get this super-fun job from Time Out Chicago to do a series of illos for their “Worst Case Scenarios” story in this week’s issue (Thanks Mike!). The editors came up with a list of harrowing situations, and asked various Chicago-based experts their advice on how to keep your cool and survive these stressful calamities. The scenarios I illustrated are: “ATM eats your card”, “Your car brakes fail”, “Your boss asks you to take a drug test”, “You lose your job”, “The condom broke”, “I got doored on my bike”, “My apartment was burgled” and “A bat was trapped in my house”. This is my first job for Time Out Chicago. Read on to see the full illos…
Click here to read more »

In past years I would get a bit morose come springtime if I hadn’t gotten enough snowboarding under the belt. This is not one of those years. From the deep drifts of Utah to the hidden stashes of Vermont’s woods it’s been a splendid year of riding either solo or with Kristina and Keith. The pattern image at the bottom was part of my entry to this years Salomon board art contest. I didn’t have much time to put anything together so I quickly plundered some of the patterns I’ve been recently working on
Posted by bz in random
On April 15, 2008||

here is an (inverted) image of my computer last night. it’s seriously sick. it was in the hospital for two weeks, had 2 internal organs replaced (logic board and display) and it still appears to be not doing so well… and, it’s not even 4 months old!
i love apple but i am not in love with apple today…

On Friday night I attended my first Pratt Draw-a-thon. This legendary event, held every year since 1988, consists if 12 straight hours of figure drawing in which 18 models circulate throughout 5 drawing studios posing for designated periods of time (20 second action poses, 5 and 10 minute poses, 1 hour poses, and two extended poses of 3 and 6 hours each.) Drawing and posing began at 7pm Friday night and continued through the night until 7am Saturday morning.
This years Draw-a-thon was more popular than even Pratt’s planners expected. Myself and my drawing partner were there for a few hours and only able to squeeze into the hour long poses room. Despite the crowds the event was a very exciting and a very unique experience. These graphite drawings are the results of my evening. It was great night and I hope to attend for the whole 12 hours next next year.

Here’s one of the final images that was used by Barclay’s Bank on a huge billboard outside a new branch in Manchester that celebrates the city’s achievements.

Here’s another preview page from the book proposal I’m working on at the moment… Since last week’s post, I have been asked to contribute to uber cool comics site Partyka and have been featured in another Serbian magazine article, this time in
Slovo Magazine– which again I can’t read because it’s in Serbian.

I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts while working on illustrations lately. A great resource for this is LibriVox which features readings of works which are in the public domain. A great one I recently toiled to was The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells which was written in 1897 and is an absolute sci-fi classic.
The image above of The Invisible Man (who is also a co-founder of this website) was done in my sketchbook a while back and tweaked digitally.

This is another drawing that I did with Marcelo Delamanha, is one of the series “Faces” that we are doing together.