Here are some photos of the One Fell Swoop CD I’ve been posting about (by the Amsterdam based duo Rara Avis). It’s nice to see the finished product, and for a change, it’s an object people will keep around rather than something someone will throw out after they are done reading the article…Thanks to Terri for bringing me the CD’s, and hope you get well soon!
Click to see a larger version.

I made this clock for a show in Portland. It’s at the Pony Club (the same place that showed my drawings earlier this year). Anyway, the show is called 11:11 and it’s all timepieces, and it will be up during March.

On our final afternoon in Mexico, Corrie and I were able to spend a few hours exploring the city of Playa del Carmen. You can explore yourself via our photos on Flickr, a sample of which can be seen above.

A double page spread for El Bosque magazine. Some of you might notice I’ve drawn this instrument being played before, a “Gusle”. Except this time I’ve tried to show what the musician is actually singing about. This image is for a themed “Forests, plants and flowers” issue.

Another drawing from the “One Fell Swoop” album artwork I posted about last week. This regal bird is printed on the CD.
Posted by bz in photos
On February 21, 2008||

welcome home space shuttle atlantis! this was my pei wei fortune cookie word of the day. (yummy + how fitting!)
thanks to mr. biggs (my studio mate) for taking this fabulous photo!
for more space shuttle fun, click here if you’d like to learn to draw the space shuttle!

The NY Press is doing a story about a city labor leader who’s proposing that vehicles pay double the current rates to enter the city and mass transit made free. So for the cover illustration I created this image of the NYC subway under some Mumbai-esque crowding conditions. Click the image or here for a larger version.

I’m working on my virtual portifolio and i hope to be done soon…
This artwork will be cover of this website.