This image, from our Kaaterskill High Peak hike, depicts another view from Hurricane Ledge. This time we’re looking south west towards the range of mountains that create the Devil’s Path hiking trail. Click on the image above to see a larger view and read the extended entry to see the graphite sketch prior to adding watercolor.
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Here’s a bunch of drawings that I had fun doing for a new client, Read Magazine (published by Reader’s Digest). The story, titled “Twist of Fate” by Steven Frank is about a teenage girl that ends up spending a weekend in the library’s rare books room reading a dusty old first edition of Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”, to avoid flunking a class. She snoozes off and finds herself magically transported into the story, and interacting with all of the characters. The only way home is to write herself out of the story, Dickens himself tells her. The sequence of the drawings is clockwise from the top left image.
Click on the image for a larger version.

“Merry Second-To-Last Christmas” is written on the inside of the card above. It’s fun illustrating for the likes of The Onion. Both Christmas cards can be bought here.

I can imagine the kid crying and breaking crayons.

This was taken last week from a bullet train from Kyoto to Tokyo. I’ve seen a lot of rare views of mountains this year.

Found this polaroid on the branch of a tree in Harlem. Cheered me right up.

Several weeks ago I began taking a lithography class at the Manhattan Graphics Center. This image is my first lithograph ever. I am pleased with it. I consider it an experiment in which I got to know the materials, the crayons, the pencils, the metal plates involved with the process. My next experiment? Liquid Tusche.
The story for this month’s Soapbox in Publisher’s Weekly was a pretty fascinating one. Ben Cheever (son of John Cheever) writes about two seemingly unrelated topics: running and seeking the truth. Yet they come together in a most interesting way in his life.
Having just written a book about running (“Strides“), Cheever talks about how in his family of runners, running together lead to moments of surprising honesty because “the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen to support a falsehood”.
I was struck by the mention of his family’s deepest secret, his father’s bisexuality (thus the closet imagery) which lead to the idea for the illustration.
You can see more of my work for Publisher’s Weekly here.