My InvisibleBrother James and I recently did some camping/drawing/hiking/wave-riding in the Watch Hill area of Fire Island. Located on the western edge of the Otis Pike High Dune Wilderness it’s an amazing and uncrowded spot within 2 hours of New York City.
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This ran in the Thursday Styles section of The New York Times. The story is about how today’s young singles are finding frustration in their endless searches for a mate online, and turning to the age-old tradition of letting their parents help find them a match. You can view some of my other illustrations for The New York Times here on my site.

The above rendering is for this week’s Village Voice illustrating an upcoming screening of Jaws at Pier 54 on Manhattan’s west side. For a shark enthusiast like myself, this sort of illo job is akin to your Alma Mater winning the NCAA basketball championship or perhaps bearing witness to a the elusive Yeti; something you hope for but don’t necessarily expect.
I just completed two illustrations for The American Society for Engineering Education which will be running in their flagship magazine PRISM. Above are details of the cover image (left) and the accompanying interior full-page illo. The story is about how Texas is using an innovative partnership between the state and the high tech industry to lure (and better retain) college students into engineering studies. Continue reading to see the full drawings….
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Above are a couple pages from the sketchbook… some scenes drawn from Wash sq. park and my brother playing guitar. Below are some pics from saturday’s Siren Music Festival which was great fun on a beautiful summer day. Dirty on Purpose were the musical highlight of the day for me however I caught great sets by Serena Maneesh, Art Brut, the Cribs and Tapes and Tapes. It was also pretty cool to see an illustration I made printed 25ft tall (upper left photo).