Illustrating an All Girls Skateboard Competition at a skatepark in Manchester presented itself as welcoming break from the other heavily art directed illustration I’ve been doing, and was fun to do. It finally gave me the chance to play around with some hand rendered type and to indulge in some 50’s/60’s surf style graphics. The hardest part was trying to come up something that wasn’t sexist, or even just plain girly. I dared myself to use pink, is that p.c. these days?

Just got back from Mexico! Full Flickr album including this photo of our day trip to the Coba ruins to come.

I’ve been keeping a small moleskin sketchbook in my pocket to augment my bigger, badder sketchbook. This group was sketched on the NYC subway in recent weeks.

I started this collage with a belly full of food that these guys probably just laugh at.

The title of this illustration is in portuguese because it is an expression that loses all the sense if I translate, but literally means “the casings heart.”
. . .
I always tried to create some abstract illustration … but I never came to a satisfactory result. In these last days I started to read a book about Gustav Klimt works. This illustration is a reference of his paintings.
I hope that here for a while I start to release my works without a tablet and do more things with acrylic and oil… I hope that until the end of this year I already have some paintings =)

This is second in a series of pattern-like illustrations I’ve been working on. This one is based on New York City. The first in the series was based off a ghost story.

A ‘crisis case’ is an event in which a person has a quasi-perceptual experience of someone at a distance at the time of that person’s death or other crisis.
This is another in the series of prints I’ve been working on. It’s transparent base printed on 5 different layers.

This was a quick Wall Street Journal Online illo for an economic forecast survey. Whether our intrepid donkey and doofus elephant are merely navigating some rapids or careening towards a deadly waterfall is the question I guess. I do like that the pachyderm has carelessly lost his paddle.

These are some “faces” that I drawn with my friend Marcelo Delamanha.
To make these, each one drawing a part of the face (for example: 1 eye, half of the nose, etc).