day 1. here i am in lovely aspen. here’s an image (still) from some randomly generated art (dynamically via action script) which i did today. the color palette resulted from this ink drawing/image (previously shown on invisibleman a few months ago) and then refined in photoshop.
PS i saw the milky way tonight. awesome. highly recommend it.
Posted by bz in photos
On June 13, 2006||

last week we rented/rode segways around fairmount park in philadelphia. this photo is me (+ my guy) on the top of the art museum stairs. seconds later both our friends wiped out… but overall, it was a blast. you do look kind of dorky, but you get lots of attention & i highly recommend it. lots of fun! 🙂 PS: we went with i glide tours

it’s been too long since i’ve drawn. “the real world” has taken over. here are some peeps i drew last week. (click the image to enlarge.) since getting my mfa (yay!) a a few weeks ago, i am quickly learning action script as i am going to anderson ranch in colorado (near aspen) in less than 2 weeks for a joshua davis flash 8 workshop. hopefully i will make some kickin’ good art work to post upon my return from aspen (and san diego).
when i return i am planning to continue making books, work on my illustration portfolio (and make a regular habit of doing illustration friday each week), and begin to pay off grad school by freelance designing here in philadelphia… oh – hold on… i have a funny photo to post too…

so i silkscreened some spirographs…
Posted by bz in film
On May 6, 2006||

film stills from a the 2 minute feature film “looking at me looking” which i may eventually post somewhere…
Posted by bz in print
On April 26, 2006||

two/2:00 am ideas for a silkscreen… the theme (which i did not choose) is “not lobster.”
also, my MFA thesis show is now up in philly till may 1. i posted a few quick pix from the opening on my flickr site.

here is an invitation to my thesis exhibition. if anyone is in philadelphia between april 21 and may 1, be sure to spread the word and stop in! it should be an interesting show.
the university of the arts, mfa book arts + printmaking, thesis exhibitions
chapter1: April 21 – May 1 and chapter 2: May 5 – May 14
Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, 333 S. Broad Street , Philadelphia, PA 19102
Gallery Hours: m-f: 10 am – 5 pm / w: 10 am – 8 pm / weekend: 12 pm – 5 pm
The MFA Book Arts/Printmaking Program offers advanced study in studio arts, focusing on the book as a vehicle of artistic expression and printmaking in the context of the narrative. Students explore the book as an art form that incorporates two-dimensional as well as three-dimensional structure, time and sequence, text and image.
to see the group invitiation/card, click the image below.

Posted by bz in design
On March 25, 2006||

omg… what happened to barb? oh, she’s working on her thesis… which is less than 30 days away. YiKes! anyway, i made this little diagram of my space which i thought was kind of funny. we’ll see how it looks in “reality” on april (- gulp- ) 21st… i’ll post an invite soon.

it’s been too long since a post. i’ve gotten into my acrylics this week. (thanks again “drawing methods” class.) it was somewhat liberating, though the other side of me wants to keep learning actionscript… there’s never enough time to do it all. anyway, thought i’d share this lovely pollockyesque image.

as i sit here thinking about my thesis show and the ideas of games and play… i decided to draw the long lost toys of my youth.