More sketches from the same session I posted about below. This time the model posed for two minutes before changing position. These drawings were done at the Monday night figure drawing session at the Brooklyn Artist Gym, held each week from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The sessions are open the public and only $10 for non BAG members. Stop by if you are interested. More info can be found here: http://www.brooklynartistsgym.com/events.html. There is also 3 hour long pose session on most Saturdays.

Recently I attended a few figure drawing sessions after having not done so in a while. I had forgotten how much fun can be had creating quick sketches while the model rotates through a series of short poses. They are like calisthenics for the hand and eye.

Josh Brown and Jeff Rooney operate the Capacitor Design Network, a very rad agency which works out of Burlington VT/Portland OR. They contacted me about illustrating my interpretation of a volcano for a Gordini magazine ad. I was stoked to have the opportunity to draw mountains, yetis, a volcano – stuff thats right in my wheelhouse. It was an interesting challenge incorporating this photo of Banks Gilberti jibbing in Colorado with my illo and ultimately a really fun project to work on. Click on the image for a larger view.
Here’s a good interview with Josh and Jeff from the folks at Josh Spear.

This was taken in Harlem.

This is a character and book concept that I recently developed. When you get a chance please visit http://www.antedna.com and drop me a note. Isn’t Edna pretty?
Roger De Muth

This image started with the background in which I was going for a ‘surface of the Death Star’ type of look in photoshop. Then I thought to rework some sketchbook drawings of a Joel Shapiro sculpture and in the end they seemed to have a lumbering-robot feel about them which worked well with my Death Star theme.

Panel from a two-page comic I just finished for Mome. The book will be out in the spring!

In less than two weeks the snowboarding season opens for those of us who reside on the east-coast – and I am damn excited for it. The drawing above was initially just a quick drawing in the sketchbook which I then scanned, augmented with a sharpie-drawn background and gave it the whole photoshop treatment. More than ever I’ve enjoyed rendering our elusive Yeti brethren and for some reason they seemed an appropriate addition to the lone operator of the shred-sled.
If you are in need of some additional snow-stoke (and who isn’t?) I would recommend downloading the very awesome and very free snowboarding film ‘Pony Tale’ by the fine folks of Actionhorse Films. It’s quite good – especially the Utah backcountry section.
You need the latest version of Flash to hear this audio clip.
I’m teaching my first illustration class at Pratt Institute’s Associate Degree Program this fall, and I’m having a fun time trying to get my students excited about the illustration biz.
One of the things I knew I wanted to do right away, was to arrange some video chat interviews with illustrators in their studios. Our own Stuart Kolakovic was my first willing guinea pig, and agreed to be interviewed over Skype.
I was able to record the audio of the interview on my iPhone, but I do apologize for the crummy quality. I cleaned it up some, so it’s decent enough to hear everything. Please ignore my honking guffaws, which are way too loud. I pledge to use higher production quality next time.
Thanks for helping me out Stu!