About the author....
Hi, my name is Stuart Kolakovic and I just about manage to draw pictures for a living here in the U.K. I graduated from Kingston University with a First Class honors in Illustration (2007), where I won a D&AD New Blood award for "Milorad", an 80 page comic book about my Serbian Grandad, and recently came runner up in The Observer Graphic short Story competition. So far my clients have included Reaktion publishing, KU Press, The Natural History Museum, Caughtinthecrossfire, NYU Physician Magazine and Plan B magazine. I'm currently working towards my first solo show in Manchester, entitled "Never Been", and a new book and look forward to sleeping sometime in the future.

I’ve been pretty busy on Illustration side the past few days, but I made time last night to make this thar rug. I’ve been wanting to do this for ages, so I forced myself to put my pencil down and tried it out. It’s available to buy from my etsy shop, but I plan to make a few more in the near future for an exhibition near the end of the year.
(A Rug?! What am I doing with my life…)
Hi Stuart,
i love your rug.
Keep making them.
lots of them.
Go to the italian furniture show at the Javits center in May while the Surtex show is going on.
you’ll be amazed…. and people actually sell LOTS of them.
good luck.
Hi Stuart,
i love your rug.
Keep making them.
lots of them.
Go to the italian furniture show at the Javits center in May while the Surtex show is going on.
you’ll be amazed…. and people actually sell LOTS of them.
good luck.
That is one excellent rug.