A drawings that came out of the sketchbook and then was digitally reworked of various sculptures at MOMA and Rockefeller University, including ‘The River’ by Aristide Maillol and Herbert Ferber’s ‘Homage to Piranesi’ among others. Click here or on the image to see a larger version.

More sketching done on the New York subway – the ever fruitful place to draw people who are staring down or sleeping. Click here or on the image to see a larger version.

St. Giglio Festival in Williamsburg began last Sat. with the ceremonial procession of a seven-story high statue topped with St. Giglio himself. It’s a stone’s throw away from the Lorimer St. on the “L” train.

“While waiting on the platform for your subway train, quietly stand right behind an unsuspecting pigeon. As the train pulls into the station, give the bird a good heave-ho onto the tracks.”
This is a collage/drawing I did for the book, Canceled Flight: 101 Tried and True Pigeon Killin’ Methods. Don’t worry, it was a vehicle for artists, not really a manual for the destruction of flying rats.
Although, people didn’t always get the joke. The author received hate mail from protestors who hadn’t even seen the book. And, one Barnes and Noble fanned the flames by accidently putting it in the kids’ section. Oops.
I felt honored just to be published in the company of some of my favorite artists, including kozyndan and Ryan McGinness. But then, the original artwork from the book was exhibited in a travelling gallery show.

Drawings in the sketchbook made over a few days riding various subway lines.

My moon globe on a wooden pedestal and yet another back-of-the-head drawing.

While procrastinating on a drawing project, I sewed this basket for my new bicycle, Wilbur. Hurray for slacking!

A two hour oil study on a tan ground with a burnt sienna imprimatura and limited palette consisting of burnt sienna, cold (blue) black, and lead white. This study is 8″x10″ and was painted on February 7th, 2001 during Patrick Connor‘s portraiture class at the New York Academy of Art.

Drawn in the sketchbook while there was still light.