These bears seem to be the poster animals for a warming climate. These big critters can swim 200 miles in a day if they’ve strayed too far from the mainland. Graceful and resilient, they are the biggest of what scientists call a determinate species, that is, other life forms that could determine our future. Generally frogs, birds and plants are in this catagory.

Illustration for economic survey which suggested the US Gov pursue alternative energies.

Having monsterous webbed claws makes it difficult to operate spacecraft.

One of my favorite themes of The Creature from the Black Lagoon is how the gill-man evolved through time in a lost corner of the Amazon. This savage fellow of the Devonian Age is also utterly girl-crazy and spends much of the film chasing after Julia Adams. So it only made sense to me that given a little time, the Creature would evolve to reach outer-space and continue his lustful pursuits to the far reaches of the galaxy. As a result I created the illustration above and mocked it up to appear as if it were an old sci-fi book cover. I think Michael Chabon should write this book and a subsequent screenplan which could be the sequel to the remake which may or may not come out in 2008.

I’ve been absent for a while working in the shadows on a time-consuming project for many weeks now (no excuse for not posting!), but I was happy to get two fun jobs within 10 minutes of each other a few weeks ago, so I feel they should be posted together.
The detail on the left is from an illo for Retail Traffic magazine, and is about how big box retailers like Home Depot are expanding into new, unfamiliar territory selling plasma TV’s and videogames in a quest for profits.
The detail on the right is from a piece for the Soapbox column in Publisher’s Weekly. A veteran children’s book editor wrote a funny essay where her agent interviews both herself, and her over-eager naïve alter-ego; the first-time children’s book author.
Visit my site to see the full images:
LINK: Big Box Retailers Expand
LINK: The Editor’s Alter-Ego