I just finished these silkscreened octopus shirts for my adorable nieces for our post-Christmas get-together. I did a few silkscreens in college, and have always been meaning to do more, and beef up on my silkscreening skills. These came out alright, but I have much work to do…I went through three sets of screens before getting the exposure just right for the photo-emulsion / transparency transfer process.
If you have any interest in doing any silkscreening, be sure to nab the very helpful “Re” guide to reproduction. More silkscreens to come in the new year!

These pictures are from a Mexico excursion, a story for the NY Daily News. And what a marvelous country. These pics are unrelated to the story. I bought a new camera for this odyssey and had lots of fun trying it out.

Another small painting done on the North Fork. This one is of a sod farm in Mattituck. I scouted out (sketched) the location this summer. Doing so allowed me to complete the painting in an afternoon. The painting is oil on canvas board, 8×16 inches.
Posted by bz in books
On December 11, 2005||

here is my fun little 2006 pocket calendar.
i sold 20 of them at the center for book arts holiday fair yesterday. now i need to make another batch for the uarts “book party” which is thursday.
they are $5 (+ $1 s/h) if anyone wants one, send me an email. (theres a chance i may not be able to ship it till after the 25th…but it’ll still be good for all next year!) 🙂

Just finsihed up a series of drawings for U.S. News & World Report, which will be on newsstands on Monday, Dec. 5th, in a special section titled “Teaching Your Kids About Money”. The above drawing is from an article in that section about when kids graduate college, then move back home, avoiding financial independence.
You can see the other drawings on my website here.

I was inspired by Kerry’s New Suffolk Road post, (grand little paintings), and wanted to post a special place of my own. I’ve spent a few summers in Alaska and this glacier is very accesible near the town of Juneau. And if the light is good you can get some nice shots of these traveling bergs.

Over Thanksgiving I was able to pick up two paintings I’d left drying at my parent’s home on the North Fork of Long Island. Both paintings were done on the same September day, at same New Suffolk Road location on Peconic Bay. The smaller one I did rather swiftly while facing south west as the sun shifted and illuminated the south easterly view seen in the wider painting. That painting took several hours to complete as I was attempting to capture a very specfic view that included the house on the left and the osprey nest on the right.
The wider painting is 8×16 inches. The smaller is 7×8 inches. Both are oil on canvas board. Click on either for a larger view.