“Break out the rocket-belts while I go through Dr. Norman’s notebooks!”
A phrase exclaimed by Dr. Quest in the Adventures of Jonny Quest episode #20 The Invisible Monster. It immediately brought to mind Wes Anderson’s ‘A Life Aquatic’ when Alistair Hennessey says something like “Fetch me my elephant gun and fill it with buckshot!”
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These are some quick gouache studies I did in my sketchbook this summer while driving cross-country back from California. The upper right nad one is from Lake Tahoe, the rest are from Grand Teton National Park in the Great State of Wyoming.
Posted by bz in random
On March 21, 2005||
Posted by bz in design
On March 17, 2005||

A few Fridays back I served jury duty at the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn. I arrived on time and 8 hours later was sent home. Despite not being selected to be on a jury I was dismissed having “fulfilled my obligation.”
It was INDEED boring but I was able to pass the time reading and sketching. In addition to drawing the tree above I was able to make healthy headway into the 600 something page DeKooning biography. Interesting so far. The guy never really intended on becoming a fine artist. Started off as a commercial artist (and a rather successful one even in the midst of the Depression) before he became romanced by modern art (particularly Picasso.)

Anyhow…book jacket below:

This fellow was sleeping in the very same spot as the man in the sketch I posted last weekend. Washington Square fountain: good sketching spot.

Some ideas of potential crowd characters and background bits for this years siren art. I like the idea of a bathing suit clad stormtrooper strumming a banjo.
To properly promote oneself, you need a solid mailing list. Years ago, I had spent many an afternoon at Barnes & Noble with a foot-high stack of magazines scouring the infitesmal type of the masthead for the names of art directors and designers to send postcards to. Well, often by the time the magazine hits the stands, the AD has moved on to greener pastures and your postcard hits the trash can. The best way by far, is to buy (technically rent) a mailing list from a direct marketing firm.
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I had been working on an animation of people riding the subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan for the past several years in spurts. Sadly, after my Powerbook was stolen in San Francisco in this summer, almost all of the files were lost. Probably a good thing, as it will force me to make some new stuff. So here’s all that remains of the sample near-finished footage. This is all using After Effects and scanned drawings. Also take a peek at the rough animatic that shows more of what I had planned. Some more of my animations…
This is a great tune here by brother James set against some drawings of mine.