Posted by: paulo (32 posts)
January 11, 2008 2:26 PM


Hello,my name is Paulo Quirino, I’m from Brazil, and I’m the invisibleman guest this month.

This is the last illustration in a series of tree that I started a time ago (the other two illustrations are on my flickr).

Not only on this illustration but in all my works I always start without knowing what the drawing will be. I make some forms, put some colors; I make something completely abstract....After that I try to make something “real”.

In this drawing I did the eyes, a lot of strips, background, everything…After that I just choose the animal that could turn =)

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She's classy and colorful! Yay!

Wow man, awesome work.

Wow man, awesome work.

I loved!

Hey Paulo, Nice work!!! always drawing the common unconscious!!!
VEry good work!

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