


The Invisibleman

He meddled with things men were meant to leave alone





San Fran 5 am

Apply the mouse button and receive a larger photo-graph! But beware, louts lurk these streets.


walking the dog

click on the image to view a larger version
-kurt wilberding


Ashley Wood

141.jpgI’ve been seriously out of touch with the comics world over the past decade or so, and every once and a while I’ll stop in a comics shop to see what’s going on in the painted graphic novel world that Kent Williams / Jon J. Muth / Sienkiewicz et al helped make huge. Ashley Wood seems to be the current rockstar of late, and there’s a lot that I really, really dig on his site. Would love to see more about his process. Looks like a very cool intersection of handmade work with nice digital touches…


My current paper of choice…

ARCHES.jpgArche’s Aquarelle hot-pressed watercolor blocks are my current favorite paper to work on. The glued-around-the edges block is very handy, saoks up the paint just right and takes pencil very well to boot. Always good to have many blocks of this lying around. I use the 12″ x 16″ 140lb the most.


Keegan reporting for duty

previewJK.jpgI can’t wait for better paper in my sketchbooks…the water color just sits there…ugh.



Some recent excerpts from the Moleskin sketchbook.


TV on the Radio
