Archives: March 2010

Posted by: roger (41 posts)
March 26, 201012:09 AM

Here are a few inked sketches I did on my trip to Italy. Most are from reference photos that I shot, although a couple are from life. I shot 7800 composite photos in 2 weeks just in case. I save time by shooting from the hip and it doesn't disturb the locals. I'm trying to do a new blurb sketch book of images from Italy. It's a challenge to do a 100 paintings for a book. Stay tuned.

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Posted by: roger (41 posts)
March 25, 201011:51 PM

Here's a composite shot of the interior of the Florian Cafe. We were there a couple of weeks ago when no one else was. I had the whole place to myself to shoot for a few minutes. It's across from the Doge's palace and just down the arcade a bit. After 3 or 4 cups of expresso a day, you don't have to sleep anymore and are invincible.... kinda.
I recommend.

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